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簡要描述:施克SICK緊湊型光電傳感器工作原理為光滑、高亮表明和低反射率表明提供了Z大冗余度和雙重接收靈敏度,不管是不平整的弧面還是低反射率表面, 只要有一個接收鏡檢測到物體即可完成檢測,從而相比傳統的單接收鏡光電傳感器提供了更高的性和靈敏度, 是翹曲、低反射率、高亮表面檢測的福音。
Thanks to its twin detection technology
and flexible mounting, the MultiPac eliminates
machine downtime due to loss of
• 多種附件可選:防塵罩,水冷板,高溫反射鏡,反射鏡防塵管,吹風管
• 2個*獨立的光線接收系統,為光滑高亮表面,低反射率表面提供zui大冗余度 和接收靈敏度
• 高功率LED光源和雙接收鏡, 確保被傳感器沒有安裝方向的限制,更加靈活
• 漫反射感應距離高達 500 mm→無需反射鏡,安裝快速方便
• 內部*處理算法專為提升檢測復雜物體的 ,提高檢測的靈敏度
• 專門針對不平整,低反射率和高亮物體表面的檢測, 穩定
Thesesurfaces redirect the emitted light away
from the sensor causing signal interruption.
Using two independent receivers
coupled with the newest chip technology,
• 金屬外殼
• 5mm厚的玻璃鏡片,具有加熱防霧功能
• 可見的LED紅色光源,內置紅外濾光片
• 工作環境溫度可達140℃,能檢測高達1300度的高溫物體
• 對射式檢測距離可達350米
• IP67防護等
The MultiPac photoelectric proximity
sensor is designed for challenging
applications which require detection of
very shiny and irregular targets. Some examples
are PET Bottles, food & beverage
packets, glass or metal surfaces.
• 設計理念*, , 大大提升系統的技術指標和競爭力
雙接收鏡光電傳感器 WTB 27 Multi Pac采用2個*獨立的光線接收系統,
the MultiPac delivers reliable detection
of these targets. Additionally, film
wrapped pallets and other targets in the
logistics branch can be detected using a
higher angle of incidence. This removes
the typical mounting restrictions associated
with detecting these products.